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GC Tyres are now doing  Arnco Tyre Fill

Commonly referred to as foam fill, tyre fill, as well as poly fill, Arnco’s patented tyre flatproofing products reduce downtime related to punctured or flat tyres.

The liquid polyurethane is pumped into the tyre through the valve stem until it replaces all of the air and is transformed into a solid synthetic rubber core, but with a softer ride than a solid rubber tyre. The result are flatproof tyres that improve the productivity of the equipment and save the cost of tire repair and tire replacement.

Since 1971, Arnco has literally prevented millions of, agricultural, earthmover, industrial, and OTR tyres from being prematurely disposed of and sent off to the tire landfill.

Applications forklift, skidsteer, agricultural, waste recycling, industrial

Contact Gareth for more info